22Miles Interactive Wayfinding for College Campuses Brings Navigation & Connectivity to Oral Roberts University
Students, Faculty, Staff & Visitors Benefit from Interactive Wayfinding on Large University Campuses
Oral Roberts University is one of the largest and most influential religious universities in the world. As a liberal arts college, ORU offers educational programs in 150 majors designed for every interest including business, biology, engineering, computer science, nursing, criminal justice, theology, ministry, and more. Located in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the multicultural campus plays host to more than 4,000 students representing over 100 nations and all 50 U.S. states.
Technology Focus
Oral Roberts features a dedicated section on their website that elaborates on the University’s Technological focus, reminding potential students of their opportunity to take full advantage of the technological investment the University has made, whether that’s through the augmented and virtual reality available at the forward-thinking classrooms of the Global Learning Center, or through state-of-the-art simulations in the Nursing and Engineering Complex.
The Challenge
The wooded campus plays daily host to over 4000 students, 50+ student-led clubs and organizations,16 NCAA Division athletics teams, and scores of multi-floor buildings, sports & technology facilities, and campus life amenities. The ability to guide and communicate with thousands of individuals requiring different informational and directional needs around the massive campus, required a technology capable of delivering while reinforcing the university’s reputation for technology innovation.
The Solution
22Miles worked with Oral Roberts University to install interactive wayfinding across all university digital signage screens located in prime areas across the campus. For sixteen of the campus buildings, 3D custom mapped designs were implemented spanning 48 combined floors and one thousand rooms, creating a fully customized campus map and floor design experience. When a user approaches any of the on-campus screens, they can navigate to whatever classroom, building, on-campus amenity, or destination they choose. Individuals can use their finger to make destination selections from menus on the screens, or have a touch free experience by using the app on their phone.
The digital kiosk screens feature 3D pinch and zoom technology allowing the user to use their fingers to zoom in and out, providing an immersive visual experience as they map to destinations. Users are given a visual display with arrow directions to navigate to their destination, with multiple route options. Users can navigate to specific buildings or even rooms within buildings.
Touchless Mobile Wayfinding Interactivity
With concerns surrounding student and staff safety during the COVID-19 pandemic, touchless interaction on campuses and at large gatherings and events has become a priority for colleges and universities. The ability to interact without touching university digital signage screens and other publicly used surfaces and amenities plays an active role in the reduction of surface based germs that can be propagated by touch.
A simple scan of a QR code with their phone, allows the user to navigate the wayfinding experience on their personal cell phone, creating a safer more hygienic touchless experience.
The solution also allows administrators or designated school officials to access wayfinding statistics, and other information on usage and interaction. The system allows for additional customization as the University’s technology needs grow.
The Technology of University Digital Signage
PublisherPro.AioT Content Management Software
22Miles Interactive Wayfinding
EMS Room Scheduling Integration
22Miles HTML5 Mobile Wayfinding App
Secure Mobile Control (for touchless interaction)
As ORU’s technology needs grow, 22Miles PublisherPro.AioT content management system allows for expansion and addition of new features and expanded functionality whenever the University staff sees fit.
“22Miles enabled us to create a great user experience to navigate the Oral Roberts University campus through the Wayfinding app”
– Stephen Stewart – Director of Global Education Applications and Solutions at Oral Roberts University
The Results
ORU officials reported staff and student excitement regarding the wayfinding addition. Campus officials from ORU’s video newsletter “The Daily” created a customer testimonial video showcasing the technology and walking students through how to use the wayfinding, touting the installation on ORU’s social media channels.
goo22Miles award-winning software helps customers seamlessly develop and deploy unique projects, serving the Banking, Government, Corporate, Education, Gaming, Healthcare, Hospitality, Quick Service Restaurants, Smart Retail, Transportation, Venue space, and other markets.
For more information or to receive a custom quote on university digital signage, 3D Interactive Wayfinding for colleges, universities, and educational campuses, visit our Interactive Wayfinding page.